Dinghy racing takes place in Oban Bay every Thursday evening, meeting at 6/6.30pm to be starting by 7pm, between April and October, and in the early part of the season on Sunday afternoons. There are a variety of dinghies which are regularly sailed by club members including Lasers, Toppers, Picos, Mirrors and various two- hander and trapeze boats. The club owns a number of Toppers and Picos used for training which are also available to club members during racing. Club members voluntarily train as Rescue Boat drivers and participate in a covering rota to enable the Dinghy sailing activities.

Learn to Sail

RYA Beginners and Intermediate Courses
We are an RYA approved training centre, and during the Summer Holidays we host a number of courses for Juniors and seniors alike.
Please see our TRAINING page for further information
High School Learn to Sail Course
The High School Learn to Sail Course takes place on Wednesday evenings during May and June. It costs £80 for non members and includes hunior membership for the remainder of the season, which means that you can use any the club dinghies and equipment for free during club events and have access to the rest of out training programme. This is a great course to get afloat and learn the basics.

Informal Sailing

Monday Mayhem!
Let’s not forget our Award Winning Monday Mayhem sessions for all the family. Read more HERE
Are you already a competent sailor?
Come and join in! Junior membership is £60.00 /year. This entitles you to free use of our fleet of dinghies and equipment during any of our events – or maybe you have your own dinghy that you would like to keep in the dinghy park at Dungallan Park?
This year we have a mixture of dinghy racing, double handed racing, fun evenings, dinghy cruises, a dinghy regatta and a special race called the ‘Wee Peaks Race’ which involves both sailing, and running up 3 small hills around Oban Bay. If you would like to try us out first come along to one of the fun evenings listed above or to one of the Sunday afternoon/Thursday evening dinghy sailing events. For more information on how to join, click here.